Yale Norfolk School of Art
Bix Archer | Matthew Brown Velasquez | Phoenix Brown | Taj Cannon | Sabrina Clark
Johnny Doley | Maria Fragoso | Emma Green | Isabelle Higgins | Juan Hurtado Salazar
Jared Rush Jackson | Samhita Kamisetty | Melanie Luna | Luis Mejicanos | Asante Mills
Taylor Morgan | Gabe Pine | Lamia Priestley | Anna Reid | Ashlee Wynn
Exhibition Dates:
June 18 - June 24, 2018
Opening Reception:
5PM Monday, June 18th
22 Litchfield Road
Norfolk, CT

Honeymoon Phase brings together a group of studying artists exploring ideas surrounding the commemorative - the activity of something being issued in limited quantities for a limited time to honor someone or something. What does anniversary mean in relation to time, celebration, and memory? Ceremonies, modes of address, landmark plaques, points of interests, all intersect with bodies, some baring witness while others act as participants. Honeymoon Phase examines what it means for a group to inhabit a place for a moment in time, where the experiential becomes fresh and embodied with possibility. Taking shape on the Ellen Battell Stoeckel Estate in conjunction with the Yale Norfolk School of Art, this exhibition uses the framing device of commemorating a singular occasion where explorations of site, camaraderie, and education are examined during a moment in time when things appear to burgeon new potentials.
The historic Yale Norfolk School of Art, in its 70th year, offers a 6-week artist residency to selected undergraduate students from across the country, hosted in the small town of Norfolk, Connecticut. Its intensive hot house environment provides an immersive residency for students to come together, cross exchange, create dialogue, and collaborate.

The artist will create the illusion of multiple breaks on the home.
The artist will break the illusion of multiple breaks on the home.
The artist will affix multiple pretend breaks on the home.
The artist will repeat and mirror pretend breaks on the home.
The artist will not, in any way, harm the home of the other artist.
The artist was invited by the other artist to pretend to break the home.
The artist will move around the home leaving various marks.
The artist will drive from his Chicago home to the Tucson home leaving a continuous mark.
I will write this biography using 130 words but I won’t discover this number until I’m finished writing it. From this point forward he will speak in third person. Alberto Aguilar is a Chicago-based aartist that uses whatever material is at hand to commemorate his exchanges and interactions. Aguilar’s work has been exhibited at the National Museum of Mexican AArt, Museum of Contemporary AArt Chicago, Crystal Bridges Museum of American AArt, the Queens Museum, Nelson-Atkins Museum of AArt, Minneapolis Institute of AArt, and the AArt Institute of Chicago. He currently teaches at Harold Washington College where he also coordinates Pedestrian Project, a program dedicated to making aart more accessible and available. In order to create slight confusion, he added an extra "A" wherever the word aart appears in this bio.